About Us
The Vet Physio Centre is headed by Olivia Lancaster Dip SA Hydro, BSc (Hons), MSc VetPhysio, MNAVP, a professional who is qualified to the highest standard in the veterinary physiotherapy field, a member of the National Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists (NAVP) and is fully insured.
Olivia’s career with animals began over ten years ago, working on an international dressage yard as a groom before working in a wide variety of different jobs including a busy boarding kennels and rescue centre. In 2015 Olivia attended South Coast Hydrotherapy School in Dorset and gained a level 3 diploma in small animal hydrotherapy and underwater treadmill. In January 2016 Olivia was then invited to join the south Coast hydrotherapy school team and has been working as a key contributor to the training courses, a lecture and a Hydrotherapist.
Olivia specializes in both Canine and Equine rehabilitation and is passionate about offering high quality healthcare that meets the needs of animal patients at all life stages with a range of health problems and conditions. She also has a keen interest in orthopaedic and spinal cases, but also enjoys all other aspects of rehabilitation.
Outside of work Olivia is a photography fanatic, adrenalin junkie who enjoys riding her horse Huckleberry and spending time with her beagle, Dylan.