What is Equine Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is a gentle hands-on approach to treating a wide range of issues; with the aim of restoring and maintaining optimal health and well-being. Our treatment approach not only focuses on the identified areas of dysfunction but also takes into consideration the entire musculoskeletal framework of the horse; this enables fast positive change to occur with lasting long-term benefits.
Physiotherapy techniques used during treatment will be carefully selected and tailored for your horse's specific needs, these include:
joint mobilisations
soft tissue massage
myofascial release techniques
muscle stretching
cranial release techniques
Such techniques allow positive changes to occur within your horse's musculoskeletal system by positively influencing their circulatory, lymphatic and nervous system. These all contribute to achieving ultimate health and well-being; therefore enabling your horse to feel great and achieve optimal performance.
Benefits of Physiotherapy:
Keeping the equine athlete happy and healthy is a complex task; incorporating physiotherapy into your horses’ maintenance program will help to ensure optimal health and performance. Physio treatment can help your horse recover from injury and is also a means of preventative care by reducing asymmetries, improving mobility and minimising the occurrence of injury.
The benefits include:
Pain relief
Enhancing and optimising performance
Improved bio-mechanical balance
Improved mobility and function
Improved stride length and cadence
Reduced injury occurrence
Faster recovery from injury
Reduced stiffness
Managing behavioral issues

Signs of Discomfort:
Horses are athletes and their physical well-being is down to us. Since they are unable to tell us if they are feeling stiff, achy, or are in pain we must be very vigilant and receptive to any signs and signals that they give us.
Physiotherapy may help to resolve some of the following problems:
Gait problems - decreased stride length, tracking up, irregular push, toe drag
Unexplained unlevelness or lameness
Uneven muscle bulk
Difference in feel from the left to right rein
Loss of softness through the back
Reluctance to go forwards
Difficulty flexing/bending
Tail swishing or holding to one side
Difficulty taking weight behind
Head tilt
Crossed Jaw
Inconsistent head carriage or head shaking
Jumping at an angle
Putting in a short stride prior to take-off
Rushing off after landing
Lack of bascule over a fence
Becoming hollow
Croup high or cold backed
Disunited or incorrect strike off in canter
Behavioural changes - bucking, rearing, bolting, irritability, pinning ears back, reluctance to girthing up, sensitivity to brushing, unable to relax, box walking, weaving, etc.