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Olivia Lancaster
Jan 6, 2021
Hello January...
2021... it can only get better... Wait. Here’s to lockdown 3.0 (is it 3 or 4 I actually don’t know?!) As I’m currently isolating, I’ve...

Olivia Lancaster
Jan 6, 2021
Introducing Hot off the Press... The NEW Vet Physio Centre Newsletter!
Click the link below to download our January 2021 Newsletter.

Olivia Lancaster
Oct 14, 2020
What is Proprioception? Learn about your pets “sixth sense”.
Do you believe that humans and animals only have five senses? Some neurologists believe that there could be as many as four times that!...

Olivia Lancaster
Mar 27, 2020
A Pain in the Butt! Equine Sacroiliac Disease in Horses
Sacroiliac pain in horses is a performance limiting condition that can be challenging to diagnose and manage. To understand why horses,...

Olivia Lancaster
Jan 2, 2019
10 Tips for Traveling Solo with Your Horse
My biggest supporter when it comes to my love of horses is my dad. Despite have no interest in horses himself and a profound dislike for...
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