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Writer's pictureOlivia Lancaster

The blog of a Veterinary Physiotherapist, her magical unicorn and her Rottweiler puppy* assistant:

*Okay I admit it at 6 years old he’s not exactly a puppy anymore but he’s the peter pan of the canine world. This boy never grew up.

Drum roll please for my first Leaps & Bounds veterinary physiotherapy blog post!

I’ve been informed by lots of exciting techy people out there that blogging is the way forward when it comes to marketing and promoting your business online. However, the actual thought of me siting down and writing one I must admit filled me with slight dread so I avoided it like the plague for about three months. I wasn’t sure if I wanted my blog to be fun, professional, serious, factual or personal – so in the end I have decide to bite the bullet and try my very hardest to make it all of those things.

So today is the day I decided to sit down and put pen to paper or in this instance fingers to keyboard and write my first blog. Now for those of you that know me I like to talk A LOT however, talking about myself is a different story. So I will admit when I first opened the blank word document in front of me procrastination instantly kicked in and before I knew it 40 minutes had flown by and I was down a you-tube rabbit hole watching dozens of funny animal videos. For those of you that are interested in getting sucked into the void like myself, I have attached a link to my favourite video below.

When it comes to veterinary physiotherapy however this is something I am deeply passionate about. So in my series of blog posts I aim to share with you all way to improve your animals’ health and wellbeing, how you can reduce the risk of injuries, training techniques, product reviews, exercise routines, a little bit about living life as a vet physio and basically anything that involves something our fury little friends.

First things first, let’s kick things off with a little bit about me. My journey began at the age of five when I turned round to my father (whom had no interest in animals whatsoever, may I add...) and asked if I could have a horse riding lesson for my birthday. Being rather naïve and believing it was going to be a short phase I was going through, he kindly (or in his eyes stupidly) brought me 5 lessons for my sixth birthday. However, much to his bank accounts despair, from the moment I was first sat on a horse I was hooked and those 5 lessons vey quickly turned into bi-weekly trips down to the stables followed by countless early Sunday morning standing in the cold, wind and rain watching me ride at various competitions all over the country, multiple pony club camps plus the added bonus of an ever lurking smell of horses in his car.

Roll on 20-odd years later I am still a equestrian junkie.

As expected my career path has naturally followed my obsession of animals.Since leaving school I have been fortunate enough to work on various international dressage and eventing yards as a rider/groom, worked at various horsey events such as Olympia, a few years experience working at a busy rescue centre that rehabilitated and rehomed a wide variety of different animals from cats, chickens, sheep, pigs, dogs goats and horses to name a few. whilst working at the rescue centre I decided that I wanted to do more to help so made the decision to return back to education to complete a 4 years integrated masters in veterinary physiotherapy. I also in my first year of study completed a level 3 diploma in small animal hydrotherapy and have been lecturing at south coast hydrotherapy school ever since.

So that’s enough about me. Let me know introduce you all to my Furbabies:

When I was a little girl I dreamt that one day I could own my very own unicorn. Many years later when it came to buying a horse of my own, a big white one was the next best thing. Say hello to Cous Cous. However, to say that everything has been like one big fairy tale with her would defiantly be a misleading statement. This girl constantly tests me and pushes my confidence levels to the limit. She is the biggest diva I know and if she doesn’t want to do something you can’t make her. But you know what, despite that being the most infuriating thing about her it is also what I love most about her.

Say hello to Tyler!

Now is he or is he not the most utterly gorgeous dog you have ever seen? Yes yes yes…. I know I am 100% completely bias however, to me he is just perfect. I first met Ty when he was only 4 months old. At the time I was working at a rescue centre and one night as I was about to leave we received an emergency call about a little Rottie cross puppy coming in. I volunteered to wait behind to help settle him in. I can remember opening the back of the van up and as soon as I saw him I just knew he was going to be coming home with me. Now he's 6 years old.

His favourite toy is a stuffed Octopus (I say favourite but it’s the only one he hasn't killed yet), his favourite food is pizza – not that I would ever dream of feeding my dog such a thing. He also has a weird obsession about licking everyone and all things shiny.

His favourite place to walk is the beach because he loves the feeling of sand between his toes and digging holes so he can stick his head in them.

When it comes to the business, Tyler is chief demo dog. He has already helped out in numerous demonstrations, lectures and video tutorials. This puppy is such a star and will lie there for hours while students stick stickers all over him in order to learn there anatomy and the best thing is he happy to be paid in cuddles and gravy bones.

Now I really hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me and my furbabies and I must say if you have managed to read this far I applaud you and also thank you for taking the time to read to read my blog. Don’t forget to look out for the next instalment coming soon! Also If there is anything in particular you would like me to feature in future blogs – please let me know!

Oh and before I forget here is the link to that video… enjoy!


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